The train driver suffers a heart attack and manages to stop the train, then dies. The case of the regional party from Pescara

Antonio D'Acci, the train driver on board regional 4193, who died this afternoon, felt ill while driving the train which departed from Pescara and headed towards Sulmona. However, the illness did not stop the 61-year-old man, who still managed to stop the convoy in the open countryside, thus managing to save the passengers. When the train stopped, D'Acci was rescued by the 118 operators who attempted to resuscitate him. But for him, there was nothing more to do. The man died of a heart attack. The train was stopped by the driver near the Manopello intermediary, in the province of Pescara. For the moment, the line connecting the capital of Abruzzo to Rome remained blocked, while passengers were transferred with replacement buses made available by Trenitalia.

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