The signing in 24 hours, the missing documents, Salvini's meetings: what is contained in the investigation into the bridge over the Strait of Messina

The investigation into the bridge over the Strait of Messina sheds light on the authorization process for the works ordered by Infrastructure Minister Matteo Salvini. The complaint presented by the opposition calls for an investigation into the process which allowed the former Iri Stretto di Messina company to be put back on its feet. And to relaunch the contracts from the 2008 call for tenders. The one won by the Eurolink consortium. Because the State has decided to drop the conflict with individuals. While the project update was delivered 24 hours after the signing of the official act. And it also focuses on Salvini's meetings before the approval. Notably those with Berlusconi's former minister, Pietro Lunardi. And those with Pietro Salini, head of the Eurolink consortium. While, says Verdi's Angelo Bonelli, his requests to see the opera's documents always ended in frustration.

Alessia Natale

Prosecutor Alessia Natale, responsible for crimes against public administration, will investigate the case currently opened against unknown persons and without any hypothesis of a crime. THE Corriere della Sera explains that, according to the complaint, “the work is a pure revisitation of the defunct project from the early 2000s, carried out by Pietro Lunardi himself, former Minister of Infrastructure in the Berlusconi government, during a series of meetings with Salvini himself and the entrepreneur. Pietro Salini (the CEO of Webuild, responsible for carrying out the work).” And there are two circumstances to delve into: Giuseppe Busia, of the Anti-Corruption Authority, said that “considerable contractual power has been assigned to the individual, which must be balanced by modifying the decree when converting the law “.

what's wrong

And then there is the name of Omar Mandosi. He is responsible for human resources at the Stretto di Messina company. But his name appears in the papers of the Anas investigation, even if he is not a suspect, but as a link between Denis Verdini and the new government. Piazzale Clodio entrusted the investigations to the Economic and Financial Police Unit. The newspaper today interviews Pietro Ciucci, CEO of the Strait of Messina: “The honorable Bonelli, leader of this initiative, accuses us of lack of transparency with two recurring flagships. The first concerns the request for access to documents: we explained to him that when he had requested these documents, the Eurolink consortium had just given us an update on the project and that we were under investigation. By law, this update becomes final once approved by our Board of Directors. Therefore, we could not achieve something that we had not already deliberated and approved ourselves. »

The Eurolink signature

Ciucci also claims that the order to start operations with Eurolink was presented in June. That is three months before the report is submitted. Then another four months passed for the review. The project update, Ciucci says, has been widely discussed. And he explains what the connection through the strait is for: “The bridge will be connected to the motorway and railway network, with a project that includes 40 kilometers of connections that make the work the most efficient connection between Sicily and Calabria, open 24 hours a day for 365 days a year. Building the bridge means ensuring a metropolitan line between Reggio Calabria-Villa San Giovanni and Messina, creating a continuous zone of exchange of goods and people. The bridge will also be a catalyst for investments accompanying the work, such as high-speed rail, connecting 5 million people living across the strait. This represents almost 10% of the Italian population. »

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