The show dedicated to Giuseppe Mazzini, “the inimitable”. Live broadcast on

Prophet and leader of the Risorgimento, exiled for most of his life, father of the homeland, inspiration for the Republic which would see the light of day 74 years after his death, Giuseppe Mazzini is remembered by Edoardo Sylos Labini in a show organized by the Senate which retraces the human and political journey of the Italian patriot

From the Five Days of Milan, through the Roman Republic and the long exile in a foreign land, until his almost solitary death: texts, videos and archive images, with original music by maestro Sergio Colicchio.

The show – “The Inimitables: Giuseppe Mazzini” – was presented by the President of the Senate Ignazio La Russa, the author Edoardo Sylos Labini, the general director of the Teatro della Toscana Marco Giorgetti and the artist Marco Lodola, and is hosted by the courtyard of Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza, next to Palazzo Madama and broadcast live by Rainews 24

Giusepe Mazzini, the inimitable Instagram @senatoitaliano

Giusepe Mazzini, the inimitable

Edoardo Sylos Labini's show dedicated to Giuseppe Mazzini is part of the “Inimitabili” trilogy, in which Gabriele D'Annunzio and Filippo Tommaso Marinetti also participate.

“Let's bring here to the Senate at least one of the three “Inimitables”, before it begins its journey to the Italian theaters: we will see about the others, let's not put limits on Providence. But Mazzini certainly could not prevent being recalled”, explained during the press conference in Sala Nassirya the President of the Senate Ignazio La Russa, stressing that in a few days (June 22) it will be the anniversary of Mazzini's birth, and “the 'next year will be 220 years old'.

“The title 'Inimitable' – continues La Russa – derives from a phrase by D'Annunzio, who said 'my life is inimitable', but not only his, but also that of many men of Italian culture: three of them They remember in this series of cultural events that Rai3 has already broadcast and which are now brought to the theatrical stage.

Part of the scenography, organized by Marco Lodola, will be left to the Senate.

“These great characters of history – underlines Sylos Labini – must be told in a pop way: Mameli, D'Annunzio, Marinetti, Mazzini are pop characters, we use a very modern and young language because we want to make known and disseminate our culture. “For everyone, we have been ashamed for too many years of the heroes and great people who made the history of Italy, but we have many and we could really create a trend.”

“What has always fascinated me about Mazzini is that at the time, being a man of culture, a man of thought, could not be separated from a man of action,” said Ignazio La Russa. “He – he says of Mazzini – is the man who brought the republican idea, but he placed the unity of Italy before his firm conviction that the republican system was more appropriate than the monarchical system. But even this identity that he imagines to be strong is not the first thing. First there is Italy, first the homeland, then everything else. This is also a great lesson. »

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