The Pioltello school closed at the end of Ramadan, the diocese of Milan approves: “A great initiative for dialogue between religions”

The Diocese of Milan is also among those applauding the initiative of Pioltello's Iqbal Masih Institute, which found itself at the center of political debate due to the decision to remain closed on the last day of Ramadan. Roberto Pagani, permanent deacon responsible for the ecumenism and interreligious dialogue service of the Diocese of Milan since 2013, commented on the story as follows: Christian family: “We are in favor of this gesture. Furthermore: while the Muslims of Italy share and celebrate Christmas and Easter with us Catholics, I find it beautiful that an interreligious dialogue initiative starts from a school, which promotes the creation of a bridge between young people who live among them of different faiths.

The choice of the Pioltello school, explained president Alessandro Fanfoni, is due to a simple fact: almost half of the students are of non-Italian nationality. Therefore, closing the institute's doors on the last day of Ramadan “is not a gesture aimed at winning the favor of the Arab community, it is simply a recognition of the specificity of our context.” Above all, representatives of government parties attacked the decision, starting with Education Minister Giuseppe Valditara. Between the two parties, deacon Roperto Pagani seems to have a clear idea of ​​who wants to express solidarity and closeness. “From the words read by the director in recent days – adds Pagani – I see that behind the choice there is work that aims to introduce children to the culture and religion of their classmates. If we do not take the path of mutual knowledge and respect, we will become fundamentalists. »

Cover photo: ANSA/Andrea Canali | Exit of primary school students from the Iqbal Masih Comprehensive Institute in Pioltello (March 18, 2024)

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