The investigation into the pedophile network in schools in the Roman hinterland

A network of pedophiles nestled around schools in the Roman hinterland. And three surveys between Rome, Tivoli and Latina to identify them. From parishes to youth communities to family homes, he used everything for his hunting territory. Benefiting from high-level protections. But now prosecutors want to connect the dots. These range from investigations into Mirko Campoli, sentenced to nine years in prison for abusing two boys, to Archdeacon Alessandro Frateschi, for whom indictment has been requested. Investigators are reviewing photos, videos and chats. And priests and prominent figures also feature in the investigation, including politicians.

Alessandro Frateschi

The beginning of the historical, explains today the Roman edition of Republic, coincides with the investigation into Alessandro Frateschi. Two mobile phones, computers and tablets as well as two USB sticks were seized from the teacher's home. “He behaved towards me like a boy trying to approach a girl, looking for me and trying to wait for the moment when I would be alone, far from my friends,” said one of the victims. And another: “Look, he sent me a photo of himself. He is lying on the bed, in his underwear, with his legs spread…”. And then the discussions: “I'm not sending you photos of my current appearance, just out of decency. And you, too, are naked on the bed ?”. Frateschi, convicted of fraudulent bankruptcy in another case, had tried the path of the priesthood. Then he became a deacon once married and father of children.

Mirko Campoli

But the element that builds the network is Mirko Campoli. Who, in addition to the recent conviction, also faces another investigation involving two children aged 2 and 12. In the meantime, however, during the investigations into both cases, promises and threats were made against possible witnesses. Including family members of the victims. So much so that at one point the prosecution blurted out about Frateschi: “The suspect has already shown himself capable of preventing the acquisition of the necessary evidence, by contacting witnesses to encourage them to make false or reluctant statements”. The suspect's wife allegedly threatened to commit suicide and kill the young children of a family member to encourage him not to press charges. And here it is the turn of the Tivoli prosecutor, Francesco Menditto, to speak: “The environmental climate of silence is very similar to that of the mafia. Parents do not want to accept the violence that their child may have suffered and often turn to religious authority which tends to keep the subject internal.

The connection

Is there a connection between Campoli and Frateschi? There's probably a photo of one found on the other's cell phone. And other traces which would confirm the hypothesis. Frateschi used to disguise his face in the videos he filmed. Why? Were you afraid of being recognized? Meanwhile, investigators try to shed light on their cover-ups. The parish of a Pontino priest was raided. But among Frateschi's contacts, there would be several Roman personalities. And in discussions with them we also talk about child abuse. In the family. This is why suspicions of a pedophile network still fully active despite convictions and investigations are becoming more and more evident.

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