the gentle response to the harshness of everyday life

THE quilt day it's the day when businesses in England give their employees a rest stress every day. In a Western society, imbued with frenetic rhythms, the nation across the Channel is not the only one to grant days of abstention from work or to adopt practices with a similar impact in its philosophy of life: think, for example, tohygge Danish or al Niksen Dutch.

Quilt Day: at home, wrapped in the duvet, to produce more

Duvet day Literally means “quilt day”. This practice was born in England in the mid-90s, invented by the company August 1 communications and it shows as a day off for 61% of English people. At quilt day employees have the right lump sum, without providing any particular justification. It's a day off to spend at home, perhaps wrapped in a duvet. 36% of English workers think that I quilt day help you fight stress and anxiety; Really, 65% of those looking for work UNITED KINGDOM he would much more willingly accept a position in a company that offers quilt day.

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Employees of companies, particularly in the private sector, are affected by a frantic pace. Businesses at the time job-pandemic, they changed the management of labor relations. Some of them found themselves at a crossroads: laying off staff, to reduce personnel costs and recoup losses incurred, or increasing production costs.

At the beginning it was stress: Axa report on mental health

Why would this be necessary? quilt day? The quality of workers' mental health has deterioratedespecially after the pandemic wave of COVID-19. The chronologically most recent investigation, which can certify this unfortunate goal, is theAxa report on mental health of 2023. Axaan insurance company, ordered the preparation of the investigation for IPSOS. 30,600 people were involved, in 16 countries (among the most developed from a technological and industrial point of view) aged 18 to 74 years old.

It appeared that the Italian population is the most compromised in terms of mental health: only 18% of the sample of respondents consider themselves “in good health”. 56% of those surveyed suffer from problems stress. 48% feel a deep feeling of loneliness (the worst figure in Europe). Finally, only 15% of the sample really feel productive.

Phenomenology of quilt day and northern European variants, hygge And Niksen

All things considered, the most valuable commodity is rest, both physical and mental. The success of quilt day it is proof that the psyche requires as much care and maintenance as the body. We must protect ourselves from what disturbs our serenity with the same care and attention that anti-flu prophylaxis requires, as proposed by the author and expert in mindfulness Rohan Gunatillake.

The need to take a period of rest, even if it is short, is expressed in several ways. quilt day as in certain visions of life in Northern Europe, thehygge Danish and Niksen Dutch. Hygge it's somehow quilt day on a large scale: it is a feeling of deep satisfaction and happiness, which we find every day in the little things which provide pleasant moments.

Niksenon the other hand, is the art of not setting any goals, so as not to incur peaks stress. It was born in the Netherlands in 2018 and responds to the most radical Calvinist principles, which justify the rationale in the pursuit of profit and the achievement of effective results. What if, in reality, the answer to today's existential doubts was simply to make a burrito with a quilt?

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