“Thank you for the love, now overcome the fear”, the message to fans

“First of all, my family and I would like to thank everyone for the great love we have received. Thank you very much“. These are the first words that Roberto Baggio communicated to ANSA through his historic manager, Vittorio Petrone, after the attack he suffered last night while watching the match with his family Spain-Italy.

The dynamics of the attack: “Beaten and robbed”

“In similar circumstances – he continues Luggage anything can happen, and luckily the abuse I suffered only caused me a few stitches, bruises and a lot of fear. All that remains is to overcome the fear,” he concludes.

According to what Petrone later reported, “the lightning attack, in broad daylight, did not allow the activation of all the best security systems with which the villa is equipped. Now, based on what happened, we will further strengthen daytime detection systems across the entire perimeter.”

Roberto Baggio and Gigi Riva gettyimages

Roberto Baggio and Gigi Riva

Carlo Mazzone and Roberto Baggio Handle

Carlo Mazzone and Roberto Baggio

Petrone points out that “What happened yesterday to Roberto and his family has already been experienced by many other families.”

Roberto Baggio Getty

Roberto Baggio

“It is only when you are struck that you realize the wounds left by an episode of violence and oppression suffered in your home, with your family. Roberto amazed me once again with the clarity and strength of spirit expressed immediately after the I am sure that Roberto will once again be the pillar on which his entire family can lean to put this brutal attack behind them. Investigators – he concludes – are working intensively to bring the culprits to justice.”

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