Take part, Ferrovie dello Stato appoints Tanzilli president and Donnarumma general director

The new wave of nominations for subsidiaries begins. The nominations received this afternoon – June 27 – from the board of directors of Ferrovie dello Stato confirm the progress. Stefano Donnarumma is the new CEO of the group, Tommaso Tanzilli the new president. However, we will have to wait until July 2 to find out the next board of directors of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti. Today's general assembly postponed the choice of senior management: the question to be resolved would be which names the Ministry of the Economy should propose. However, for the successor of Claudio Graziano, the last president of Fincantieri who died on June 17, and for the future structure of Rai, there is no date yet. Returning to the Railways, in addition to Donnarumma and Tanzilli, the new board of directors is made up of Caterina Belletti, Franco Fenoglio, Loredana Ricciotti, Tiziana De Luca, Pietro Bracco. The first two positions went to Lega and Fratelli d'Italia stocks. Matteo Salvini, who as Minister of Transport was able to assert his expertise in the match, obtained that Donnarumma became the new CEO of the group.

The former CEO of Terna also boasted of the entry of the Brothers of Italy: Donnarumma, in 2022 and still in full Draghi government, participated in the programmatic conference of Giorgia Meloni's party, held in Milan. But his appointment is however considered as an appointment to the Northern League. Tanzilli, however, was reportedly promoted from a simple board member to president of Fratelli d'Italia. “Good work to the new board of directors of Ferrovie dello Stato, with sincere thanks to those who pass the baton. I am sure that the new team will also be able to successfully meet ambitious challenges: the next years will be decisive for the growth and modernization of the country”, immediately commented Salvini. Almost simultaneously, the congratulations of the Undersecretary of Transport Tullio Ferrante and Deputy Minister Edoardo Rixi also arrived Among the first compliments to arrive from other ministries were those from Francesco Lollobrigida “Congratulations and good work to the new president of Ferrovie dello Stato Tanzilli, to CEO Donnarumma and to the CEO. “the entire board of directors I am convinced that thanks to their experience and professionalism, they will be able to best guide such an important and strategic reality for Italy”, declared the Minister of Agriculture.

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