Suicide at Marescialli School, Corriere Fiorentino Journalist Indicted for Use of Official Secrecy: Home and Editorial Office Searched

A magistrate and five police officers burst into the headquarters of the Corriere Fiorentino. During the operation, they made forensic copies of the mobile phone and computer of the journalist Simone Innocenti and also searched her home. The searches were motivated by the need to investigate an alleged leak of information on the causes of death of the 25-year-old student of the School of Marshals and Brigadiers in Florence. The young woman committed suicide on April 22. Innocenti is currently being investigated by the Florence prosecutor's office for complicity with one or more public officials in the disclosure and use of state secrets. According to the reconstructions so far, around 12:30 p.m., the police searched the journalist's private home. Then, starting at 2 p.m., for two hours, five police officers and a magistrate searched the headquarters of the Corriere Fiorentinoanalyzing Innocenti's workstation, his computer, his tablets and his phones.

“Invasive and intimidating search”

The editorial board of Corriere della Sera condemned the decision of the Florence prosecutor's office to carry out an “invasive” search, describing the police's attitude as “intimidating”. The Cdr then recalled that “the secrecy of sources is an inviolable cornerstone of the journalist's profession”. A note of reprimand also came from the National Press Federation (FNSI) and the Tuscan Press Association, harshly criticizing the methods used against the journalist. Alessandra Costante, general secretary of the FNSI, and Sandro Bennucci, president of Assostampa Toscana, expressed their solidarity with Innocenti, the director Roberto De Ponti and the entire editorial staff of Corriere Fiorentino.

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