Rome, Roman greetings and rite of “present” at the commemoration of Mikis Mantakas – Video

In Rome it happened again. After the gathering of the victims on Via Acca Larenzia last January, with outstretched arms and the rite of the present, with 19 suspects, a few kilometers further north, in Piazza Risorgimento, another far-right commemoration took place. The activists gathered in front of the section of the Italian Social Movement, in via Ottaviano, where, on February 28, 1975, Greek university student Mikis Mantakas, an activist of the National Action Front (Fuan), was killed. And here, as happened in other fascist rallies, the activists repeatedly made the gesture of the Roman salute, with their right arm raised high, then performing the rite of “present”, a kind of appeal that occurs at all right-wing rallies. commemorations. The demonstration was organized, among others, by the Rete dei patrioti, a group made up of former members of Forza nuova. In total, around fifty people showed up, including Italians, Cypriots and Greeks.

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