Road safety most at risk during summer holidays

In summer, the increase in the number of vehicles on the road endangers road safetydue to the many motorists traveling for the holidays.

In addition, the news disclosed by average on accidents occurring during the holidays may cause the public to perceive an increase in accidentssimultaneously suggesting that less attention is being paid to the issue of road safety by those who are responsible for preserving it.

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This increase, however, is not reflected in the ISTAT data, as in the two-year period 2022-2023 there was a decrease in accidents compared to the pre-pandemic period.

To contain the flow of vehicles, it is in force on the main communication routes and in particular on weekends in July and August, the transit ban for heavy goods vehiclesThe ban, the timetable for which can be consulted on the website of the Ministry of Equipment and Transport, concerns vehicles transporting goods and weighing more than 7.5 tonnes, except in special situations.

Road safety and accidents: what the State Police recommends

Parliament approves stricter road traffic rules, in line with targets set by the The European Commission, which aims to halve accidents and deaths by 2030 and eliminate them by 2050However, these results can only be achieved if drivers and pedestrians, who are responsible for more than 92% of accidents, are more aware of the risks they face on the road.

Parliamentary debates are emerging, Among the most dangerous behaviors is driving while intoxicated and/or impaired by drugsbut also distraction, refusal to give way and excessive speed. The aforementioned causes of road accidents must be avoided in order to reach tourist destinations safely. In this regard, it is useful to consult authoritative sites, such as that of the State Police, which provides more recommendations and indicates the next August 3 and 10 among the busiest days.

It is also necessary to plan the trip by acquiring information on traffic, roads and weather, also available through Viabilità Italia and the Road Safety Information Coordination Centre (CCISS). The first body, composed of several partner, including Polstrada, Carabinieri, Anas and Civil Protection, manages crises related to mobility. The CCISS, however, updates the news of the road networks, disseminating it through television, radio and electronic channels.

7 Ways to Avoid Taking Risks

State police recommend driving carefully and without being distracted by cell phones and other well as the use of helmets, child seats and seat belts. These must be fastened regardless of the position occupied in the passenger compartment, as the belt absorbs any possible impacts.

In addition, other measures are needed to avoid compromising road safety. Here is a selection of 7 tips to keep yourself and others safe.

  1. Check the engine and brake oil level, as well as the radiator water, checking the condition of the tires, lights and indicators. The pressure, wear and fastening of the tires must be checked to ensure grip on the vehicle. Tires could be compared to shoes that, if worn, cause slipping.
  2. Wear comfortable shoes. Proper footwear makes unexpected braking easier, but it is more difficult to use with slippers or high heels, with possible liability in the event of an accident.
  3. Balance your luggage so that it is well distributed, properly securing your bike and surfboard. This is to ensure the stability of the vehicle, without compromising road safety.
  4. Eat light meals, without alcohol. Food is digested more slowly while sitting in the car and drivers need to remain responsive.
  5. Bring water supplies. In case of queues, the wait will pass without risking dehydration.
  6. Stop at the first sign of fatigue. Burning eyes and/or the first yawn are warning signs of falling asleep.
  7. Keep windows and mirrors clean. Optimal vision allows you to see obstacles and signals, allowing you to react quickly to unexpected events.

Human factor and safety

Also pay attention to display on board, because consulting them distracts the driver. It is therefore necessary to always exercise the utmost attention while driving, because even a few moments of distraction can seriously endanger road safety and the safety of people. Thus, even if technology can sometimes improve vehicle performance, the human factor remains crucial to avoid accidents.

Road safety jpg: two children opening umbrella at the seaside

Unforgettable holidays while traveling safely (photo by Vidar Nordli from Unsplash)

All that remains is to leave during the winter for the much desired destination, to spend an unforgettable vacation. Have a good trip!

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