Renzi against everyone: “I am running for the European elections in all constituencies, in Florence as an alternative to the Pd and the M5”. Frost on the dialogue with +Europa – Video

Matteo Renzi, who, last Saturday, declared himself ready to step back if a shareable electoral project “for the United States of Europe” materialized (read during the initiative of Riccardo Magi and Emma Bonino of +Europa who have been working for some time on a unitary list of the Third Pole), yesterday with his bulletin and today, February 29, in Milan, he announces that he has changed his mind. Reiterating, as already done at the beginning of the month, that he will run in all constituencies: “I am running in all constituencies. I have a big advantage, in the European elections I don't need to get 40%. My 40% this time has a comma in the middle, it's 4.0%”, he declared during the Il Giornale initiative “100 days to the Europeans”: “To the voters of the right and also of the Democratic Party , I say: in this “During the elections, do you want to send to Europe a ruling class made up of recommended people and gunslingers or of someone who perhaps does not have the best character in the world but who has shown that “He knew how to do something about business and taxes?” he added, emphasizing that “the slogan is: this time Renzi. To those who voted for me in 2014, I say: you can vote for me every 10 years… next time, I will ask you in 2034.” So “if you want to vote for Schlein, go ahead but I will not change my mind about Giuseppe Conte whom I sent home. Do we want to send Conte's people to Europe or someone who, this time, can make a difference in Europe?” The European alliance that Renzi is thinking of “must maintain the cohesion of the Ursula majority. Meloni is very good friends with Von der Leyen. But Meloni's problem is his in Italy, his in Spain, his in Poland, his in France – he continued – we are there on the psychological tests for magistrates, we are there on the abuse of power, if Meloni makes the direct election of the real press Here we are. But if Meloni sends his brother-in-law to take care of agriculture with the other who pricks himself in Biella…” The first public initiative, he concluded, will take place tomorrow in London.

Dialogue with +Europe


A choice, that of Renzi, which could make more complicated the alliance with +Europa, which seemed feasible just a few days ago. If the former prime minister also presents one of his symbols, it will be difficult for Bonino, Magi and other groups working to reach a deal to count on his role. It would be more feasible to strengthen the alliance with Carlo Calenda who, in recent days, has shown himself to be more available, despite the initial coldness towards the +Europa project (today, to an initiative on the issues to be brought in the electoral campaign. Tomorrow + Europe should follow its own direction and decide what to do, in any case the choice will have to be made before the Leopolda, which opens on March 8. In the meantime, Renzi says he wants to interrupt the negotiations – which actually started a long time ago – also on Florence we turn directly to the candidate Stefania Saccardi: “We will be alternatives to the Pd-M5 range”.

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