“Squadra Fiore,” the secret cell of state agents who downloaded and resold top secret documents on people and companies

Except Pasquale Striano. There would be many more unsuspected state agents accessing confidential state databases in various capacities to extract confidential information about individuals or companies in order to then resell it to interested clients, even abroad. Very delicate and very serious operations, which he reports on today in an investigation Today. According to the online newspaper, a sort of clandestine cell is active in Rome in particular, which includes soldiers and former soldiers employed by the Prime Minister or the Ministry of Defense, dedicated to the theft and trafficking of sensitive data. “Squadra Fiore” is the name that the group would have given itself, perhaps in homage to the “flagship” that it plans to establish within Italian institutions. But their actions have very little romance. The journalist Fabrizio Gatti reconstructs it on the basis of the testimony of certain Alert launcher, who agreed to show evidence of the criminal acts in exchange for anonymity. Current or former state officials reportedly connect to confidential databases to download sensitive documents such as the infamous SOS, suspicious transaction reports from the Financial Intelligence Unit of the Bank of Italy or communications from the SDI, the investigation system of the Ministry of the Interior. . Documents containing confidential information about ordinary citizens, such as financial transactions, overnight stays or trips taken. And that both Italian and foreign entities are ready to buy – when the “listed” is considered for some reason interesting – for tens of thousands of euros.

Who are the members of the cell?

The Fiore team, which would have nothing to do with Striano's trafficking, now under the control of the Perugia public prosecutor's office, constitutes the second Today “a sort of parallel secret service, escaping the control of the institutions”. The identity of its members is not known, although the judicial authorities could now be interested in the case and discover them. But their general identity is this: they call each other, even in the encrypted chat where they communicate, with nicknames like Rosà (this would be the group's point of reference), Ciccio and Carlé. They come from state centers of expertise such as the Joint Intelligence Center of the Department of Defense Information and Security, the National Cybersecurity Agency or even the armed forces and law enforcement. This would at least be the apparent program with which the members of the criminal cell are known in the environment, taking into account that the organizations to which they belong must be considered the injured party in the case. The team also uses some covered offices for case coordination meetings. The last known, according to the investigation, resides in a luxury apartment overlooking Piazza Bologna in Rome. Meetings are managed with maximum security and secrecy: the rooms would be protected by a powerful person jammers, a frequency jammer “capable of neutralizing the mobile phones of those present and possible remote environmental interceptions”. The Fiore team would also have unmarked vehicles to travel safely, including a blue car equipped with a white and red ministerial paddle.

Cover to act in Italy

At the center of their traffic would be particularly highly confidential information on Italian companies and entrepreneurs. Files for which Italian and foreign clients are ready to pay huge sums. The members of the Fiore team, however, would not present themselves as employees or former employees of the state, but as investigative consultants, who would act for a mysterious representation in Rome of Lower Manhattan, an American investigation company. Which, however, does not seem to exist, neither in Italy nor in the United States. American company which would be based in Lower Manhattan in New York. However, no one seems to have noticed it, or if they have, they've been careful not to report it until now. Not even a prestigious French intelligence company that signed an agreement with the Fiore group to obtain confidential information on a hundred businessmen worth 250 thousand euros. All this in the shadows, until today.

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