Bruno Munari exhibited at the Magnani Rocca Foundation

“The revolution must happen without anyone noticing.” Quote “shot” on the wall, at the entrance to the exhibition Bruno Munari. Alluntil June 30 Magnani Rocca Foundation has Mamiano of Traversetolo16 kilometers from Parma. And Bruno Munari (1907-1998), a multifaceted genius in graphics, design, advertising communication, and even pedagogy, revolutionized, little by little, the lines, shapes and dimensions of objects.

Bruno Munari, Zizì, 1952, copper wire and foam. Casaperlarte, Paolo Minoli Foundation, Cantù

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Exhibition by Bruno Munari at Magnani Rocca Foundation

Still at the start of the exhibition, which exposes 250 worksthere is a 24-line panel which traces its journey ” ” That of the theoretical reconstructions of imaginary objects… of the cubic ashtray… of Einaudi graphics,… that rewarded with the Compasso d'Oro. .”.

In the exhibition All, obviously everything is not there, it is not a chronological journey but a conceptual, almost experimental one. There are early works from the time Munari joined Second Futurism, including the painting Eve peel (1929-30), a superb nude in which Eva is a very sensual shell of skin.

The drawings of useless and imaginary machines, and those of floating colored shapes of kinetic art “An abstract painter would have fixed them on a painting,” he says. Marco Meneguzzo, the curator, great expert on Munari and professor at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera. Those of Munari detach themselves from the canvas and hover in the air.

“Because he always wanted to discover the limits of the things around us and he wanted to go beyond it each time. This exhibition concentrates the surprises” continues Meneguzzo.

And here is the chair for very short visits because you can't sit down. Free time This is a Swatch wristwatch without hands, the hour numerals inside micro-cylinders positioned randomly, not clockwise, which could wander. The pendant lights designed for Danese, a company linked to the history of Italian design.

Bruno Munari, Eva's Peel, 1929 1930, tempera on canvas

There is a children's bed, gray because it is a neutral color, and it is the children who must furnish it by adding objects and colors of their imagination. Munari's pedagogy stimulates creativity as demonstrated by the letters of the alphabet made of bamboo balls and canes.

Italy lived a golden age where industry and entrepreneurs promoted creativity and design: Munari worked for Olivetti, Pirelli, for Campari he created posters with broken and folded letters, but linked and connected to each other.

This exhibition is a veritable parade of Italian eclectic genius. And once the visit is over, before going out into the park, you should linger among the rooms and lounges of the Foundation, to admire other of its masterpieces by Canova, Burri, Carpaccio, Gentile da Fabriano, De Chirico, Titian.

Parma, monumental ensemble of Pilotta, archaeological museum © Giovanni Hanninen

Visit to the Pilotta monumental complex in Parma

After the Munari exhibition it is worth stopping in Parma for the restoration which ended in November after six years of work in one of the most important centers of Italian art and history , THE Pilotta monumental complex30 square meters of wonders (

An enterprise which concerned the courtyards, the monumental staircase, the 17th century Farnese Theater, with an extraordinary wooden structure. Where to relive the celebrations and shows organized for the ducal family thanks to audiovisual media.

A video mapping projected into the proscenium every half hour “reactivates” the stage machinery of what is considered the first truly modern theater on our peninsula.

The restorations broadened theNorth wing of the National Gallerywhich alone deserves a visit to Parma to admire The one who is disheveled by Leonardo, The Turkish slave Parmigianino and Pale of Correggio.

Then Beato Angelico, Canaletto, Tiepolo, and the portrait immortalized by the chisel of Canova, by Marie Louise of HabsburgDuchess of Parma and Piacenza who wanted this museum complex.

The new wing is dedicated to Emilian artists of the 16th and 17th centuries, notably Guerchin, Carracci and his workshop.

Also renewed Bodoni Museumalways in Pilotta, which for the digital generation will seem like an archaeological experience, but it was the first Italian museum dedicated to printing.

Naturally, in the infinite monumental complex of Parma, nothing is missing Archaeological Museum, with finds from prehistory to the imperial era and a collection of Etruscan jewelry.

And then the charm Palatine Library with its heritage of incunabula, manuscripts and the Ortalli collection, that is to say drawings and engravings by Pollaiolo, Durer, Tiepolo, Rembrant.

And Parmigianino: his last autumn Saint-Roch (1528) enriches the inner journey Marchi Palace, a sumptuous 18th century residence among the most beautiful in the city. Where you can also dine (by reservation) on tables set as an invitation to the court (

Parma, UNESCO creative city of gastronomy

In addition to great art, music, the glorious Teatro Regio, gastronomy are the coat of arms of Parma.

In the center, it is a place with a mission: to discover the ancient flavors of Emilia. Organic and seasonal ingredients, local suppliers. From classic tortellis with herbs to gray cow steak, from passatelli with capon broth to dried ones with butter, anchovies, candied cherry tomatoes and lemon. They serve copious platters at aperitif time, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Fresh stuffed pasta (in addition to cold cuts) is the calling card of a Gambero Rosso tavern, osteriavirgilioparma.wordpress.comin Oltretorrente, a neighborhood far from the tourist routes, popular, but full of views, historic churches, heroic memories of the Resistance, which hosts the farmers' market on Saturdays.

Supplies? In addition to a visit, almost obligatory, to the historic, you can go a stone's throw from the Duomo and the Baptistery from Tastea gourmet shop where you stock up on hams (24-36 months), culatello, balsamic vinegar and parmesan.

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It is located inside, a residence that dates back to the 15th century, today with revisions from the 18th century, linked to the saga of a family of civil servants, politicians and intellectuals from Parma. It is also a period residence-hotel with suites (from 138 to 185 euros). And until June 23 it hosts the immersive exhibition Van Gogh. Multimedia and the secret room.

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