Regional in Sardinia, Todde: “The law does not provide for a total recount. I'm calm” – The video

Guest of Monica Maggioni at In half an hour, the new president of the Sardinia region, Alessandra Todde, comments on the latest rumors that the advantage that separates her from center-right candidate Paolo Truzzu has narrowed. For the five-star party, “the law does not provide for a total recount”. What can be done is “a call for TAR in the different constituencies – explains Todde – and with precise reasons. I am very calm, calm, so naturally we are waiting for the communication from the Court of Appeal of Cagliari.” But for the moment, the data of the 22 missing sections does not scare him. “We have a margin between 1,450 and 1,600 votes in advance – underlines the Sardinian president – which for the moment reassures us. This is for us the final count, far from the 200 or 400 votes that I have been hearing about for a few days.” In the host on Rai 3, Todde also lets it be known that he will travel to Abruzzo for the Regionals on March 10. “I'm going there on March 8, Women's Day. The coalition – he specifies – must use all possible levers to try to bring this right back to the country, at least at the regional level.”

“I have never behaved like a leader of the people”

During the interview, Todde also states that she has never behaved like a “leader of the people.” But rather as “a coalition interpreter and the coalition supported me, decisively and passionately. We must also dispel the myth of the man or woman alone in charge,” replies the governor, referring to her victory (not yet officially proclaimed) in the regional elections in Sardinia. “Above all, I must thank the women of the coalition because if after 75 years of history of Sardinia's autonomy there was the possibility of electing a woman president, it is thanks to the incredible work that the women of the Movement, the Democratic Party and all the lists who supported us. Now – Todde concludes – when I walk I meet a lot of women who stop me and tell me that they believe in a change that can be interpreted by a female figure.”

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