Regeni trial, prosecutors: “The Egyptian 007s therefore tightened their web around Giulio”. The judges: “He was brutally tortured and killed”

Between September 2015 and January 2016, the defendants wove a veritable “spider’s web” around Giulio Regeni. A network created thanks to the acquisition of his passport without his knowledge, home searches during his absence, harassment, photographs and videos, but also through people whom the researcher considered friends and who reported in time real to the four defendants what was happening in their meetings. This is what happened 8 years ago in Cairo, according to the reconstruction sketched by the Rome prosecutor's office during the trial of the Egyptian 007 accused in absentia of kidnapping, torture and assassination of the Italian researcher , believing him to be an English spy. Also without ambiguity on the part of the Assize Court which, in the order rejecting the objections raised by the defenders of the four 007s on the “non-identification of the accused”, described the physical violence as “brutal and gratuitous” inflicted on the researcher, causing him extreme bodily suffering which inevitably led to his death. Furthermore, the judges emphasized, the kidnapping methods “can only be inspired by the punitive and intimidating practices typical of public torture.”

The misdirection of the Egyptian 007s

A list of witnesses was brought to the attention of the magistrates, filed by the deputy prosecutor, in which – among others – appear the names of the former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and the former Minister of Foreign Affairs Paolo Gentiloni, in the part of a complex investigation which had to come up against hostility from the Egyptian authorities and various misdirections for years. The prosecutor identified a total of ten crucial pieces of evidence against the four defendants, including the videos from the Cairo metro station where the researcher was kidnapped – but which are missing the ten minutes during which he was kidnapped -, the victim's computer which provided clues to the motive and phone records. Furthermore, even attempts at misappropriation by the Egyptian authorities – from sexual motive to theft, to the discovery of Regeni's documents in a house linked to a gang of criminals, subsequently killed by the Egyptian police – were taken as evidence of involvement. of the accused.

The Prosecutor's Office: “La Farnesina intervenes on behalf of the 27 Egyptian witnesses”

The prosecution sent a real request for help and support to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to allow the hearing of the 27 witnesses living in Egypt, which is fundamental – according to them – for a complete reconstruction of the facts. “Only the Egyptian police can serve the documents and give the green light to hear the 27 witnesses on our list who live in Egypt at the trial,” said the representative of the prosecution. At the next hearing, on April 9, Claudio Regeni – Giulio’s father – will be heard as a witness. The researcher's family preferred not to comment on Sunday's meeting between the Italian Prime Minister and President Al Sisi, but limited themselves to saying: “Let's not comment on Giorgia Meloni's remarks, let's just say that in our country, fortunately , there is the separation of powers, unlike what happens in regimes.

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