Politicians and personalities spied on, Melillo and Cantone soon heard. League: “We will seek damages from everyone”

The investigation into the files of politicians and personalities carried out by the Perugia public prosecutor's office continues and, at the same time, reactions from the political world are increasing.

The League: “We will seek damages from everyone”

“No one is thinking of covering up as quickly as possible the espionage scandal, which is enriched every day with disturbing news coming from the Guardia di Finanza, the judiciary and the left-wing media. Who are the instigators? Who has benefited this illegal Soviet operation? – espionage style? These are the words contained in a league rating in which it is noted that the party “is ready to denounce and seek compensation for damages at all levelswithout exception.”

“As a League, we will get to the bottom of this and clarify who gave the order to illegally spy on hundreds of people,” he said. Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, on the sidelines of the start of work on the Genoa sub-port tunnel. “Even in the Soviet Union, people did not work day and night to spy, disgrace, scan. I refuse to think that it was an unfaithful finance officer, an unfaithful magistrate or an unfaithful journalist – he added – here, there is obviously a system which he had in his League, in business and on the center-right, an adversary to defeat. We want to know who was behind this, we will denounce it to everyone levels and will demand condemnation and clarity, even at the highest institutional levels.”

“We want to know who was behind this; we will report it at all levels and demand condemnation and clarity, even at the highest institutional levels”

Matteo Salvini, Deputy Prime Minister

Indignant reactions also from Fratelli d'Italia who demands all the light on what is emerging. “Someone illegally sought data that should be used for possible investigations to feed the mud and blackmail machine. It is worrying that someone on the left is minimizing or even justifying these methods by totalitarian regimes” , he said. Lucio Malan of Fratelli d'Italia.

The “politically relevant part of the story” of the illegal access to the database of the National Anti-Mafia Directorate “is that of the instigators”, he asserts in an interview with Corriere della Sera, Thomas Foti, one of the “spied” politicians, leader of the FdI in the House. “Most of those interviewed belong to the center-right – he notes – and the activity was intense before the elections and before the formation of the government.” The M5S made it known that among those 'scrutinized' was Giuseppe Conte…”I don't know – answers Foti – I must say that on this very worrying affair, there was a deafening silence from the left . I wonder: what would they have said if these activities had involved people who were predominantly left-wing? And if the anti-mafia prosecutor and the Perugia prosecutor asked to be heard by the Copasir, the CSM and the anti-mafia commission “this probably means that there are more than we know”.

“Maybe I must be depressed because I'm the only one not inside, they're spying on everyone… but, joking aside, it's very serious.” States The leader of the action, Carlo Calenda, speaking of the Perugia investigation. “The State is the repository of information which, each time it is used for illicit purposes, destroys citizens' trust in the State. What happened is unprecedentedly serious” he reiterated on the sidelines of an electoral meeting in Abruzzo.

Cantone and Melillo request a hearing

Meanwhile, the Perugia public prosecutor's office is moving forward and looking for the still unidentified recipients of the information obtained. financial, is under investigation for unauthorized access to a computer system. THEThe case ends up before the parliamentary commissions of inquiry and the Superior Council of the Judiciary.

Even prosecutors of Perugia Raffaele Cantone and Antimafia Giovanni Melillo they asked to be heard by the Presidential Committee of the CSM, by the president of the Anti-Mafia Commission and by that of the Parliamentary Commission for the Security of the Republic.

Melillo and Cantone consider it “duty” to request that their hearing be evaluated “with the urgency of the case”.. This involves providing, within the limits set by law, information on the events of the alleged case of political and economic leaders at the center of an investigation by the Perugia public prosecutor's office. Hearings that the magistrates consider “necessary for confidential assessments” of the CSM, the Anti-Mafia Commission and Copasir.

THE Parliamentary Commission for the Security of the RepublicTo our knowledge, already at the time when the matter was revealed and the Perugia investigation began, he asked the public prosecutor's office to provide him with all the elements that fell within the competence of the Commission, but it is clear that, Since this was a first phase of investigation, the documents could not yet be transmitted. . The commission will address the matter and convene a hearing with Melillo and Cantone as soon as possible.

Giovanni Melillo and Raffaele Cantone The Press

Giovanni Melillo and Raffaele Cantone

While ait is still not clear who ordered these inspections and for what purpose, the list of names of victims of the computer incursion is growing. The newspaper “La Verità” revealed at least 300 names of personalities and politicians “inspected”.

Among the latest names to appear in recent hours, there is also that of the president of Liguria Giovanni Toti, the Minister of Agriculture Francesco Lollobrigida, Letizia Moratti and even Francesco Vaia, general director of health prevention at the Ministry of Health.

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