Pier Luigi Bersani and Giorgia Meloni “as the grandmother of Little Red Riding Hood”

Former Secretary of the Democratic Party Pier Luigi Bersani received notice of the complaint from General Roberto Vannacci. Who sued him for defamation for calling him an “asshole” on TV. “These are days full of satisfaction,” he jokes with Francesca Schianchi who interviews him for The imprint. But in the conversation he talks mainly about politics, starting with the victory of Campo Largo in Sardinia: “As this right is gradually revealed, we see what kind of cow in the corridor he is and will be, because this right does not not change. The Pd, the M5S, the Green-Left Alliance and, if you like, Calenda, must understand that there is a world bigger than them which is asking them to put themselves at the service of the alternative. Not just political: but social, civic, moral, democratic. »

The serious problem

But he still sees a serious problem on the center-left: “We are one step away from overcoming it. But look at the data: we do well in the cities, we often still lose in deep Sardinia, as in deep Italy. I keep saying it, in my own way: the left must go to the bars more.” And he does not believe in the center-right's justifications for the victories of the lists: “Because Soru presented himself as a candidate, speaking of generosity… But if we add up his votes, we are ahead by two points.” Between the Democratic Party and the 5 Star Movement, reasons the former minister, “if you want to make an alliance, we can find the interest of mediation. It is the opposite: foreign policy is dramatized to emphasize the distinctions, it is the demonstration that we still do not think that it is time to build an alternative.

The Pisa batons

On the Pisa batons instead “Meloni is silent. Salvini is armed with batons. Tajani says: police officers are children of the people, not children of radical chic. But dear Tajani, you already have to play the role of Berlusconi, do you also want to play the role of Pasolini? Isn't that too much effort for just one physique? It’s true, here in their culture, going back is not an option. Look what they did with workplace safety rules. » While the Prime Minister, who recognizes her defeat, “realizes from time to time that she must adapt her communication. But do you know what effect it has on me when he says that? I see her as a grandmother in Little Red Riding Hood.”

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