Paris, the public's ovation for Mélenchon. Antifascist party at Place de la République, clashes between hooded men and police in the evening – Videos

With the first projection of the new Assembly, it became clear that the winner of these elections is Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of La France Insoumise and the Popular Front capable of electing the greatest number of representatives to the new Parliament. The left-wing anti-National Rally bloc was born under his leadership and, even if it will be difficult from tomorrow to keep it united, due to internal differences but above all because the Parliament in formation appears divided into three blocs, Sunday evening, July 7, Mélenchon was rightly able to celebrate the result obtained. Celebrated by a crowd of supporters who immediately took to the streets of Paris and then gathered at Place de la République. Thousands of people chanted anti-fascist songs and sang to ward off fear of the extreme right within the government. Many families, often with small children, a very large number of young people and very young people, in a festive atmosphere, with flags and choirs for the LEFTagainst Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron For hours, the demonstration that gathered spontaneously in the open air did not pose any problems for the police. In the evening, however, a group of several hundred people in balaclavas infiltrated his home to the point of provoking and then engaging in a violent confrontation with the officers. The first police charges took place to the east of the square, after the group of violent demonstrators set fire to street furniture, cars and threw fireworks. In Nantes, a police officer was burned on the arm by the throwing of a Molotov cocktail by demonstrators, while in Lyon, groups of demonstrators in black balaclavas circulated in the streets of the center.

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