Pamela Villoresi: “I, when harassed, have always rejected advances. But I have seen some women walk past me…”

Pamela Villoresi, actress, talks about her career and her profession today in an interview with Corriere della Sera. “We actors, for our profession, depend on the approval of others. We are eager to please others, to seduce them and this is obviously a form of insecurity that hides our fragility. But I am my own tutor and, when I am assailed by my anxieties, sometimes by real panic attacks, my tutor encourages me to move forward. The only problem is that I am allergic to injustice and sometimes, in order not to stir up hornets' nests, I have had to learn not to react so as not to end up on the wrong side,” she says.


According to the actress, “the injustices have a common denominator. The fact that I am a woman and that they annoy me with more or less veiled harassment. I have obviously been able to respond with determination, but sometimes I have missed opportunities: I have seen some women “favorites of…” pass in front of me, who did not always live up to the roles assigned to them. Some directors have justified themselves by telling me: I have to put this girl in the role, otherwise the producer will not give me the money for the project.” She says that it did not work with her: “I am not intelligent and I do not need certain favors. My guardian is strict: I cannot be like that guy and in no case am I vindictive and I do nothing unfair to my colleagues. I want to die with my soul alive.”

The Strait of Messina

He says that in the meantime he has taken root in Sicily “even if it has not been easy. I have suffered wars, skirmishes, slander, overstepping: many have allowed themselves abuse and bullying that they would never have allowed themselves with my male colleagues. I have often lost sleep, but I have never given up. However, Palermo is an Arab city, it is open, it is no coincidence that its name means “open port”, so the beauty of the sea, the affection of friends and above all the sport of rowing have helped me to face the problems. “And she remembers swimming across the Strait of Messina: “A dream that I had been cultivating for some time and it was a swimmer friend who suggested it to me in 2018. Obviously I was already well trained: hours of swimming alone, with a small canoe tied to the waist of custom to be seen by the other boats. Making the crossing is not so difficult: from Capo Peloro to Calabria the currents are in your favor, plus you are accompanied by support boats.”

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