Navalny affair, tensions between Farnesina and the Russian embassy: “It’s an internal matter, distorted political evaluations of Italy”

Alexei Navalny also risks becoming an Italian political case. La Farnesina summoned ambassador Alexei Paramonov but the Russian embassy in Italy did not receive him very well. “Some distorted political assessments of the internal political situation in Russia were also expressed, in the spirit of an agreed Western format of anti-Russian statements,” they write in a note published on Telegram. “In response, it was explained to the Italian representatives that the situation that prompted the summoning of the ambassador is a purely internal matter of the Russian side which, as has already been said, is carrying out all the necessary checks. and investigative actions required by the law of the Russian Federation with the aim of establishing the true causes of the accident and, if necessary, identifying the resulting responsibilities,” they explain in the press release.

What Farnesin told Paramonov

La Farnesina, on the recommendation of Minister Tajani, explained to Paramonov “Italy's expectation that all clarity be made on the circumstances of the disappearance” of the dissident “sentenced to serve detention in very harsh conditions for his activity politics and its fight against corruption. “Like other EU partners, Italy, which defends the values ​​of freedom and democracy, will continue to call on Russia to end the unacceptable persecution of political dissent and to guarantee the right to full freedom of expression, without any limitation of civil and political rights”, we read in the note published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. And still later Tajani himself, in a message sent on the occasion of the concert “Making Ukraine's voice heard” organized by the embassies of Ukraine and the United States at the Auditorium in Rome, recalled the dissident. “There is no doubt about the context in which the disappearance of Alexei Navalny occurred. Our widow Yulia is committed to supporting her in defending the values ​​of freedom and democracy for which her husband lived and fought,” he said.

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