Murder of Giulia Tramontano, Alessandro Impagnatiello's second girlfriend: “He told me she was bipolar”

The young girl with whom Alessandro Impagnatiello – the man arrested for the murder of his girlfriend Giulia Tramontano – had a parallel relationship – appeared in court today to testify. That is to say, one of the last people to have met the 29-year-old man on the day of the murder, May 27, to discuss the relationship they both had with the bartender. The same evening, at the couple's home in Senago, in the Milan region, Impagnatiello killed Giulia with 37 stab wounds. “At first I knew Giulia was living with him, but from last December and January she told me they were no longer together. When I met him, I knew he was engaged, but then he told me they had broken up, that he didn't want to be with her anymore and that they weren't happy in their relationship anymore.” , said the 23-year-old actress.

The witness

“I then understood that Giulia was still there around March, April and that he was not alone, when he went on vacation to Ibiza and I saw some photos of him with her on his phone,” he said. -he explained. The girl repeatedly spoke about Impagnatiello's deceptions. He sometimes cried during the deposition. Then he talks about the DNA test: “From the beginning, he said that he was not the father of the child and that he had done the DNA test. I asked him to show it to me to confirm if he was telling the truth. When I saw the test, I believed it.” And again: “He said that she was alone and that she was not well, that she had tried to harm herself and so he was worried.” But then he discovered the fake: “I saw his search history and found the images to create the document. I also saw the Excel file to create the document in the emails.” Impagnatiello also tried to make her believe that Giulia “wanted to hurt herself, then that she was bipolar and wanted to kill herself.”

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