mini-guide to navigating the maze of subsidies

The objective of the 2024 bonuses, allocated by the Executive, is to allow – to an increasingly large pool of users – the use of advantages and services. From the psychologist bonus, which started on March 18, 2024, to gasoline bonuses: let's find out together which ones and how much they are.

The most discussed 2024 bonus: the psychologist bonus

Among the most anticipated 2024 bonuses is the psychologist bonus. This type of subsidy allows those who declare that they fall within an ISEE threshold of less than 50 thousand euros, be able to benefit from the services of psychologists and psychotherapists. The beneficiaries of the 2024 psychologist bonus are, directly, professionals. THE click day (i.e. the day from which applications can be submitted in the appropriate section of the INPS portal) is March 18, 2024. The budgetary coverage of this 2024 bonus amounts to 10 million euros. To go into detail, the amount of the psychologist bonus is higher as the candidate's ISEE threshold is lower:

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  • €1,500 for income with ISEE of less than €15,000;
  • €1,000 for income at ISEE between €15,000 and €30,000;
  • €500 for income with ISEE greater than €30,000 but less than €50,000;
  • The value of each session must not exceed 50 euros.

Social bonus 2024: nursery schools, first purchase of housing, social card

How many additional bonuses are planned for 2024? For couples with children under 36 months, with ISEE between twenty-five thousand and 40 thousand euros, the crèche bonus is planned. In the same way as for the psychologist bonus, the amount of the monthly allowance decreases as the ISEE value increases: the range goes from 136 to 272 euros.

For young people looking for a house to buy, there is the 2024 first home bonus. Unlike other subsidies, granted in the form of vouchers, this type of aid consists of taking out real estate loans, at a fixed or variable rate, from banking establishments. The State acts as guarantor and covers up to 80% of the cost of the property. The 2024 first home bonus (also called “home loan with Consap Guarantee”) can be requested as a priority by young people, aged 18 to 36, from ISEE, not exceeding 40 thousand euros.

The social card dedicated to you is one of the bonuses expected in 2024: consists of a voucher, worth €382.50, to spend on food. An additional amount of €77.20 has been allocated to cover fuel costs for cardholders.

Support for training and employment and cultural bonus

To conclude, there are two other bonuses awarded in 2024 the check dedicated to support for training and work and the culture bonus. The first can be obtained with an ISEE of less than €6,000 and has been allocated to the retraining and training of former guardians of citizenship income or people who have lost their main job. The amount is €350. The culture bonus, renamed culture card, can be requested by young people born in 2005 and belonging to families with an ISEE of less than 35 thousand euros.

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