India will vote, between tradition and high-tech future under Modi's leadership

Outgoing Prime Minister Narendra Modi, leader of the nationalist party Bharatiya Janata Festival (BJP) is the big favorite in the Indian general elections. Projected towards a third consecutive term, Modi approaches the election with a mixed record.

Over the past 10 years, India has transformed itself at a speed that has made it the fifth largest economic power in the world. and strengthened its weight on the international scene. Economic revolution, technological and digital development are the cornerstones of the ten years of Modi's administration.

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The digital turning point

In 2015, Modi launched Digital India, a vast series of technological initiatives with a strong social impact. In President Modi's plans, every Indian citizen will be able to have access to the Internet and all government services with complete simplicity and security. This is an ambitious project aimed at presenting India as a competitor to neighboring giant China. India is a highly connected country, but frequent internet shutdowns for internal security reasons raise questions about freedom of information and respect for fundamental rights.

From Make in India to Gati Shakti

In 2014, the Indian government launched Make in India, a program that invites companies from around the world to set up their factories in India then exported abroad. The plan promotes investments in 25 strategic sectors for the national economy, from heavy industry to extractive industry, including technology and IT services.

A fundamental part of the plan is infrastructure: The Gati Shakti (speed force) program of 2021 aims to interconnect road, rail and maritime networks, facilitating coordination between the central government and the states.

Energy: the green mission

India has a huge need for energy to support its economic development. The extraction and use of fossil fuels remains paramount, but the government in New Delhi looks with interest at renewable energies. It's not just about Modi's environmentalist vocation. The development of technologies Green this would give a new boost to employment in a state where each year around a million young people enter the job market.

India aims to achieve coal independence by 2070. In 2023, the National Green Hydrogen Missiona $2.3 billion plan that also promotes the decarbonization of transportation.

Building on a brilliant economic performance which will continue to lead India towards growth, the political agenda of a possible Modi-trio will focus on job creation. However, the movement of labor out of agriculture is not accompanied by the creation of new quality jobs. Most young people looking for their first job have not received an education that matches the ambitions of their president.

In addition to improving infrastructure and capitalizing on the successes of the digital economy, strengthening the education system, National Education Policy (NEP)is the new great challenge of modern India.

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