Michele Bravi responds to the Pope from Turin Pride: “Frascism? We are citizens who demand respect” – The video

Sarà forse ancora l'idolo monde della sinistra, ma la platea Lgbtq+ Papa Francesco pare essersela proprio giocata, con quell'affondo pur a porte chiuse sui danni che provocherebbe la “frociaggine” (all'interno della Chiesa, ma ad occhio e croce non only). It was inevitable, after this error – according to some reconstructions, it was repeated a few weeks later at another meeting – that this year's Pride would receive responses in kind from those who are instead completely proud of their “different” identity. Michele Bravi spoke on behalf of the entire community who took to the streets today in many cities across Italy (and beyond). The actor and singer-songwriter, testifying this year at the Turin parade, thus redeemed the pride of the LGBTQ+ community: “Pride is an event that celebrates love but not only, because we do not need no one's permission to love or be who we are. It is a demonstration that celebrates rights, because we need to be heard and seen. In this period – continued Bravi – a word that we hear a lot is fear, and I fear for Italy and Europe, and that
the people chosen by the majority to represent us choose not to see us. Rights are something that must be fought for every day and when you demand equal rights, you are not just fighting for one community but for everyone.” Then the final blow to the Pontiff: “This place may be full of queers, but above all we are citizens who demand to be respected.

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