Meloni's anger at the single allowance: “But what an abolition, beware of reconstructions.” And he attacks the EU on its support for immigrants – The video

A video from the Palace to deny the “imaginative reconstructions” of the press that describes false scenarios regarding the next finance law. Giorgia Meloni is not willing to accept the reconstruction of an alleged reduction in the beneficiaries of the single allowance, and this time she makes it known by appearing directly in a film. At her side, to reinforce the message, the Minister of Economy Giancarlo Giorgetti. “Today, the latest news would be that we are about to eliminate the single allowance,” intervenes the Prime Minister, controversially. “Since the law still needs to be drafted, beware of reconstructions.” The video of the two heads of government – Meloni had made another one yesterday morning to let it be known that she was back in Rome after the holidays – is above all intended to be a finger in the eye. Republica newspaper that this morning announced the news of the abolition of the main measure of support for families. But it also contented itself with a poisonous attack on the European Commission. Because, the Prime Minister underlines in a not insignificant aside, regarding the single allowance, “we are fighting in Europe precisely so that there are no problems, given that the Commission tells us that we should also give it to immigrant workers who are in Italy and that, in practice, would amount to abolishing the single allowance”. This is in any case the message of the Prime Minister to the sailors for the coming weeks, the finance law has not yet seen the light of day, so “beware of fanciful reconstructions of a budget to be drafted. We continue to work for a better and fairer Italy, after years of disasters on the left.” And Giorgetti, in the background, smiles smugly.

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