Massacre around the humanitarian truck in Gaza, Fiorella Mannoia against Meloni: “When you had to vote for the ceasefire, where were you?”

Fiorella Mannoia without restraint against Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. The subject of the clash is the tragic crowds around humanitarian trucks in Gaza, during which, at dawn yesterday morning, February 29, at least 112 Palestinians were killed and more than 700 injured. The Prime Minister commented on the episode in these terms: “I learned with deep dismay and concern the dramatic news of what happened today in Gaza. It is urgent for Israel to determine the dynamics of the facts and the responsibilities linked to them. The new and numerous civilian casualties force us to immediately intensify efforts in the ongoing negotiations to create the conditions for a ceasefire and the release of the hostages. These statements angered Mannoia, who responded with a tweet that received many likes: “Is this post a joke? When you had to vote for the ceasefire, where were you?” This is not the first time that the artist has spoken out in favor of the Palestinian people: he did so, for example, by choosing to supporting Ghali, after calling for “an end to the genocide” from the Ariston stage. “Protesting is a right – commented Mannoia -. I wasn't there, I didn't see what happened, I don't agree with the threats which are always to be condemned, but artists must be free to express themselves and always say what they think. I don't think he said anything scandalous , Ghali denounced what is happening, and everyone can see it.”

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