Crosetto and the Perugia investigation into the case: “There is a risk that it will end without a definitive investigation” – Video

According to Defense Minister Guido Crosetto, there is a risk that Perugia's investigation into the matter “ends without any definitive investigation”, “like many other” events and “like that of Palamara”. He said this during question time in the Senate. Underlining: “Parliament must question the rules in force, the people who can abuse these things, those who can have interests in these things, the way in which these things can influence democratic and political life whatever whatever the parties. This is something that, in my opinion, Parliament must do. I hope that this path will be followed by Copasir, by the Anti-Mafia Commission, by the special commission. It's not up to the government or me to say that. The credibility of institutions as a whole must be restored.” It was precisely from a complaint by the minister that the investigation into the alleged leak of information against personalities, politicians and entrepreneurs began.

Weapons to Israel

Crosetto added that he does not believe that “there are problems behind this matter that could concern national security from the military and defense point of view of the country.” The minister also addressed the issue of weapons in Israel, emphasizing that after October 7 “no new authorization has been granted by the Weapons Materials Authorization Unit (Uama) for the transfer of weapons to Israel, which resulted in a suspension that still continues.” Indeed, the suspension was defined in this sense as timely and incisive. Licenses authorized before October 7 had already been widely used. On those already authorized previously and not yet used, the Uama has already carried out checks on a case-by-case basis. And they do not concern materials that could be used with repercussions on civilians in Gaza. »

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