Mario Tozzi and the bear Kj1, “murdered for revenge and political calculation”

Geologist and science communicator Mario Tozzi attacks the province of Trento for the killing of the bear Kj1. In an article on The imprint Tozzi claims that the demolition order was reiterated late in the afternoon, “when it would have been impossible to challenge it again (it had already happened twice) and no court could have acted.” The bear was then “murdered” during the night, “acting in secret and taking advantage of the cover of darkness.” According to Tozzi, President Maurizio Fugatti “is thus achieving his only objective, to kill the bears according to the provincial program that provides for the culling of eight individuals per year.”

Why was the bear Kj1 killed?

Tozzi wonders why Kj1 was killed. And he explains: “Officially because the local administration (Ispra denied its approval and spoke of a political measure) considered him a dangerous bear, due to his last reaction against a French tourist and at least 11 close encounters with the sapiens (11, it must be said, at 22 years old): an animal too trusting, which risked becoming too familiar with men”. The M90 ​​was shot for the same reason. But Kj1 had cubs, which will now have a hard time surviving. Were there alternative solutions? “Certainly, starting with the deportation of “problem” individuals to other regions willing to welcome them, or sterilization, certainly not imprisonment in narrow and improbable gabions that only lead to madness and death”.

Revenge and political calculation

Instead, Kj1, according to Tozzi, was killed “out of revenge and political calculation.” Because “the European Life Ursus project was accepted (and funded) without any opposition, not even from the current bear-killing president. It was a matter of implementing a series of precautionary measures ranging from anti-intrusion trash cans to guard dogs to educating the population: almost nothing was done in terms of prevention.” According to Tozzi, “they wanted the bears, and if they act like bears, they kill them, citing incomprehensible reasons for the safety of citizens.”

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