Like Roma, fired for hard videos. The company: “No discrimination”. CGIL: “Expulsion to protect a beginner footballer”

As Roma continues and defends itself in the case of the employee fired after a footballer released a private video of him at red lights, which is being investigated by the Football Federation Prosecutor's Office. The company counter-attacks and speaks of “non-existent sexual discrimination and unequal treatment” because, it specifies in a note, “the dismissal is the consequence of a circumstance which, in addition to being contrary to the Company Code of Ethics, and to have affected the two women, without distinction, who recorded the video, have objectively determined the impossibility of continuing the working relationship with the Club, also in light of the tasks accomplished by each of them which required direct coordination with minors”. Their version of what has been reported so far is that “the facts would have been cleverly exploited to presume the absence of sexual discrimination and unequal treatment.” And, before announcing that they will continue to protect themselves in all competent instances, they add: “In addition, the video revealed the existence of a private negotiation regarding preferential working routes.” On the other hand, regarding the theft of the video, the company says nothing. The unions, for their part, are on a completely different line and are now breaking their silence and revealing that they immediately followed the matter, alongside the two dismissed employees.

The CGIL: “They preferred to protect the beginner footballer”

Filcams Cgil Roma declares that it has followed the case from a legal point of view, maintaining the greatest confidentiality, believing that As Roma would have taken a step back. But this was not the case because the company, according to its reconstruction, “preferred to protect a hypothetical millionaire investment in the actor involved in this story, rather than taking the side of its employees, who not only did not committed no crime but had every right to be protected by As Roma”. In a note, they return to what happened from the beginning.

What happened

“It is November 2023 when HR and As Roma's lawyer summon two of their employees to their offices to inform them of their immediate dismissal for “environmental incompatibility”. The story begins in September of the same year, when the two employees summoned by two managers of As Roma discovered that they had been the subject, more than a year earlier, of a very serious violation of life private, through sordid and generalized conversation. chat, of a private amateur sex tape of a young footballer, who stole the video from the smartphone of the now ex-employee”, explains the Roman CGIL. The union reports that the two employees, who form a stable couple in life , only discovered “the harassment and sexual jokes suffered in the previous months by numerous players and employees of As Roma” after the call. That day, however, the footballer responsible was also summoned and, in front of the managers, he confessed to having stolen the video from the employee's cell phone.

“This cannot happen in a civilized country. We protect them”

“The two employees, at the very moment they were dismissed, immediately turned to Filcams CGIL Roma Lazio, which immediately gave them emotional and union support, contesting the dismissal and initiating all the necessary procedures for their protection,” continues the union. , specifying that she had maintained maximum confidentiality in the certainty that the company would withdraw the layoffs. This was not the case. “What happened – they comment – ​​cannot and must not happen in a civilized country and, although certain of the positive legal outcome in favor of workers for the ongoing conflict, we ask the institutions and for politicians to act, on the one hand, against As Roma, so that we do not wait for the outcome of a trial to take the necessary step back in the face of manifestly unfair and illegitimate dismissals. We will protect – they say – the worker in all competent offices.”

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