No sooner said than done. After fearing this hypothesis in her Instagram stories yesterday, Chiara Ferragni officially arrives on Telegram with a group called “Chiara’s most faithful”. First the classic welcome message: “Hello everyone! Thank you to everyone who participates in my daily ramblings.” Then he launches into an audio in which he puts his hands forward, specifying that he is still learning to understand how social networks work. But she wants to tell her viewers that she is happy to be able to talk to them “in a more direct way”. Finally, he posts a photo of himself in the mirror showing the look of the day and asking for comments from fans. Needless to say, the comments and emojis immediately multiplied . Currently the channel has reached almost 30,000 subscribers, but given the popularity of the influencer it is destined to grow visibly. This is an operation that comes after Ferragni already started interacting more with Instagram users, responding directly to comments or putting heart into those who invite her to resist during the delicate moment she is going through. Perhaps a way to rebuild trust with her community , after the numerous legal disputes, or perhaps simply a new marketing strategy?
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