Joe Biden's problem: he now risks losing his financiers

There is an alarm that has been triggered among the American representatives of the Democratic Party: it is that of the financiers of the presidential campaign of the current American president Joe Biden. According to what was reported this morning Republic After Thursday's disastrous debate in Atlanta, many donors may withdraw their support. The number one in the White House has already turned since yesterday to the billionaires of the Hamptons and New Jersey to replenish the coffers and respond to the overtaking of his rival Donald Trump, decidedly better at raising funds. for the electoral race coffers. Biden's campaign began in June with 212 million in cash, but the Republican, despite the initial gap, surpassed it by collecting 235 million. According to the presidential team, an additional $14 million was raised between the debate on Atalanta and Friday morning. The real turning point will come with the next polls: if they show a decline for Joe Biden then the risk of loss of funding could become very real.

States Biden Can't Lose

If Biden falls, even slightly, in the polls, he will have enormous difficulties, according to what Repubblica reports, to recover in the states where he is behind or tied, such as Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, North Carolina, but also Minnesota, Virginia, New Hampshire and New Mexico. In this case, all possible faces will be used to regain consensus: from his wife Jill, to his sister Valerie, to his former colleagues Obama and Clinton.

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