Italian presidency sets objectives for next summit

In 2024, Italy is preparing to host the G7, a dialogue forum that brings together representatives of the world's most advanced economies. Over the coming year, the Italian G7 presidency has announced its intention to tackle topics of great topicality and great relevance at the global level: such as the issue of conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, the migration phenomenon, food security, ecological transition and even artificial intelligence.

By addressing such relevant issues, Italy has the opportunity to play a crucial role in promoting dialogue and cooperation. The Italian presidency can demonstrate leadership strengthen its image as a responsible and committed actor.

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What is the G7?

The G7 is a high-level dialogue forum bringing together Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States. Over the next year, the Italian presidency of the G7 will be able to propose the subjects to be included on the agenda of the summit, conduct preparatory meetings, prepare draft final documents and the summit communiqué, which will be approved by the heads of state and government. Finally, it will be able to establish the modalities of participation and involvement of international organizations, civil society and countries not part of the G7.

The G7 took shape in the first half of the 1970sin response to two crises: that of the Bretton Woods system, that is to say when American President Richard Nixon declared the inconvertibility of the dollar into gold, marking its end, and the energy crisis of 1973, which broke out following the Yom Kippur War explosion, which, among other things, caused a sharp rise in the price of crude oil.

Initially, the G7 consisted of a simple informal forum for economic and financial coordination, but over time it underwent a process of institutionalization which has helped to strengthen its weight and visibility, especially recently.

“Just a few years ago, there was a feeling that the G7 was an obsolete, useless forum. And everyone was focused on the G20.” says Christopher Johnson, former East Asia director of the National Security Council, in an interview reported by Sole24Ore“. The trend has completely reversed. The G7 has re-emerged as a vital forum outside NATO to coordinate sanctions against Russia, aid to Ukraine and any energy policy response. ».

The meeting between Fumio Kishida and Giorgia Meloni at the G7 in Hiroshima.  The Italian G7 presidency will work on migration, energy supply, space and climate.

The meeting between Fumio Kishida and Giorgia Meloni at the G7 in Hiroshima.

What are the priorities of the Italian G7 presidency

One of the main objectives of the Italian G7 presidency is to bring to the fore the question of the migratory phenomenon: a fundamental priority for the government of Giorgia Meloni.

“This is a priority that the government has placed everywhere and on which we began a shared process with the international community in July, by launching the “Rome Process” with the Conference on Migration and Development that we we welcomed to Farnesina, involving Mediterranean, African and Gulf countries” say it Minister of Foreign Affairs Antonio Tajani.

Another decisive aspect will concern the relationship of the G7 countries with Africaa theater considered strategic by Italy, particularly from the point of view of security and energy supply.

“The presidency will have a natural projection in the Mediterranean, to promote solutions that promote peace and stability for the entire region, based on the conflict currently underway in the Middle East. We will continue to support Ukraine, particularly on the reconstruction front. Minister Tajani continued: The central attention will be paid to the Balkans: an area which has always had strategic importance for the stability of the whole of Europe and Africa, a continent with which we want to promote equal partnerships for security and resilience of countries. the continent”.

As planned during the Artificial Intelligence Summit organized in October in the United Kingdom, the Italian presidency of the G7 declared that it had among its the question of AI and its impact on the world of work is a priority. Furthermore, other themes include space, food security and the green transition. The first official meeting of this G7 will be the meeting of foreign ministers, which will be held in Capri from April 17 to 19. It will then be the turn of the Ministers of the Economy, who will meet from May 23 to 26 in the Itra Valley, in Puglia, where the summit of heads of state and government will be held from June 13 to 15.

Read also:

What happened at the G7 in Hiroshima

The transformation of the G7

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