Irene Cecchini's parents: “Our daughter is not a spy, in Russia there is meritocracy”

“Our daughter is not a spy, she is not Mata Hari.” These are the words of the parents of Irene Cecchini, the little girl who spoke with Vladimir Putin during an event at MIGIMO, the Moscow Institute of International Studies. Paolo Cecchini and his wife Daniela Montanari chat on the family farm in the province of Lodi. Five years ago they started growing lavender, while Paolo owns a company producing special paints for plastics in Cavenago d'Adda. Their ideas echo those of Irene: “The war in Ukraine? It's the United States' fault. » But the girl's father wants to emphasize: “I do not work with Russia.” If the girl “did everything on her own, during her studies, she also worked in a pastry shop”. And they have already invited her to participate in Russian reality shows: “There is a lot of hype around this story.” Because “our daughter really deserves it, in Russia there is meritocracy”. Meanwhile, after becoming famous, she lives in a house instead of a dormitory. And maybe one day Putin will come to Lodi.

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