“Inside Out 2” soars at the box office: brings in 37 million euros and surpasses Paola Cortellesi's record

Upside Down 2Pixar's new animated film has surpassed the gross of There is still tomorrowthe most watched film of 2023 directed by Paola Cortellesi. Starting today, Tuesday, July 9, Upside Down 2 it has collected 37.3 million euros at the box office in Italy, breaking last year's record (36.7 million). At this point, the new target to reach is the bar set by Avatar – The Way of Waterwhich closed the box office at 44.8 million euros in 2022. The first chapter of Upside downreleased in 2015, it was a great success with both the public and critics and grossed 25 million euros in Italy and 800 million worldwide.

Other titles on the podium

It must be said that this year, the new Pixar film seems to have significantly less fierce competition, especially compared to last year, when the quarrel between Oppenheimer And Barbie had thrilled moviegoers around the world. Currently, the other two titles on the podium of the most watched films in Italy are Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkabanback in theaters from July 4 to 10, and A Quiet Place – Day 1both with around 300 thousand euros collected at the box office.

An animated film suitable for everyone

With Upside Down 2Pixar returns once again to the mind of Riley, the protagonist of the film who is now 13 years old and about to enter the delicate phase of adolescence. At Headquarters are the emotions that adults and children have already learned to know in the first film: joy, sadness, anger, fear and disgust. But there is also one new entry in the mind of young Riley. It is Anxiety, whose presence completely upsets the delicate balance that the other emotions had seemed to have managed to achieve.

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