Ilaria Capponi and body shaming on Raiuno: “They call me fat and round, I wear a size 42 but the agencies don’t like that”

Ilaria Capponi is the former model who denounced the constraints of the fashion world, saying that an agency asked her to lose a size when she was a size 42. She participated in ItaliaSì on Raiuno to talk about the difficulties to adapt to the physique. standards of fashion agencies. But during the show, she was the subject of body shaming from Guillermo Mariotto, creator of the clothing brand Lecco Gattinoni, and Mauro Coruzzi, aka Platinette. Mariotto said that it is “better to dress models than to feed them” because “they eat like grasshoppers because they are big anyway.” When Capponi participated in Miss Italy in 2007, among the judges there was also the stylist, who judged her, meter in hand, as “too fat” to parade in his place. Platinette said: “He's got a low ass anyway.”

Ass down

In an interview given today to Corriere della Sera Capponi says the show “was proof that it was necessary to say what I wanted to say.” He didn't hear Coruzzi's comment, “but as soon as I got out, a lot of people who were following the program wrote to me.” I was still there but I didn't want to cause controversy.” In other words: “It was a big mistake that could have been avoided. His words didn't move me at all but what if I had been more fragile ? We were talking about exactly that…”. Regarding Platinette's apology, she said: “He had already done it on the train home: I saw him and I was standing next to him (at that moment, it was Mauro Coruzzi, editor's note ). He did it humbly and I believe him. I imagined there would be an uproar so I suggested he make a video to avoid the massacre: we all make mistakes, I don't want to exploit his.”

Guillermo Mariotto

The former model remembers Miss Italia's story about Mariotto: “He was a juror when I participated (she came third, editor's note) and then he said I was fat. There was an uproar. There has been a regression in terms of healthy models. I am 1.80 meters tall and wear a size 42 but my size is not suitable for fashion agencies. Platinette called me “curvy”… well, I wouldn't say that.” The stylist did not apologize: “Never. During the show I asked him to tell me the sizes with which he selects the models: they must measure 86 hips for 1.75 height. We are under an X. I stopped the model because, despite the pressure, I could not accept losing a size. There is a discrepancy between the body positivity professed in the sector and what is implemented.”

Change of point of view

Finally, Capponi explains why he changed careers: Since 2018, I have dedicated myself to communication and I often address these issues, even speaking in schools. The fact that fashion does not take health into account is serious. I'm a mother, but many of my model friends, who are underweight and have not had periods for years, are now unable to have children. It's not a question of aesthetics.” If she could go back, she would become a model again “but in my own way, putting my health first. This job has given me and taken away from me. It's a world which must be regulated and which must not stop at slogans but change things with facts.”

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