“If you name your son Eustace, we will pay you.” The idea of ​​the bonus in Matera for those who name their child after the patron saint

In the town of Sassi, in addition to the Maria Santissima della Bruna, there is also Sant'Eustachio as patron saint. And according to the Maria Santissima della Bruna association, which takes care of the Matera festivities, Lucanians are increasingly disaffected by tradition. Hence the idea, reported by Repubblica, of the president of the association, Bruno Caiella: “We are offering all the children of Matera who will become parents in 2024 and who wish to name their son Eustachio, a small economic contribution that can help them help. from the earliest stages of the child's life. A small gesture to thank them for their desire to perpetuate the name of our patron saint, even to future generations. We want the name Eustachio to be heard for a long time in the streets of Matera. » On social networks, some are also suggesting, to level the playing field, the female variant “Bruna”.

(on cover photo by bady abbas on Unsplash)

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