How to find a job using artificial intelligence

Many job seekers now rely on artificial intelligence (AI). The different artificial intelligence plug-ins Navigatorare able to automatically and quickly populate job posting fields, significantly speeding up the timeline and number of applications for multiple job postings, much to the disappointment of recruitersor who should select.

In fact, debates on the subject are very lively. There are those who are for and those who are against this new technology. The reality is that as we develop more and more sophisticated tools, we stumble, as is normal, in the analysis and consequences of pros and cons. Let's see what they are.

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The most used AI tools in online job search

There are many tools available. One of the best known is ChatGPTthe famous chatbots where you can register for free and provide information such as studies completed, skills and experiences acquired, future goals, etc. The program is capable of automatically generating a personalized CV. Additionally, it will also provide letters of motivation effectively, by identifying a series of “target” companies and even developing a series of context-related questions most frequently asked (with the respective most strategic answers to “make a good impression”).

Other help can be obtained from the application Joule, thanks to which the supply and demand for employment meet more quickly. Created by a young woman recruiters Italian, Laura Sposato, this tool satisfies both parties, those looking for work and those looking for a resource. With a 40-second presentation video, the algorithm highlights the candidate's skills and character, bringing out the characteristics general skills, fundamental for the selection and identification of talents in the company.

LinkedIn, the ultimate work social network, introduces a new feature that uses artificial intelligence. It is a virtual assistant which will offer you suggestions for optimizing your profile to make it more attractive to recruiters. For the moment, this feature is reserved for those who have activated a “Premium” subscription. You can indeed benefit from a chatbots which gives advice on how to optimize your profile and appear more “attractive” in the eyes of human resources managers.

Other programs are LazyApply and SimplifyJobs for applying for jobs in bulk. But also Pajama Jobs and Talentprise.

Pros and Cons of Recruiting with AI

If the help of new technologies increases the chances of finding work more quickly, these practices are also accompanied, as is normal, by disadvantages. Indeed, if candidates manage to send many more CVs in less time, it will be increasingly complex for recruiters to sort through the large number of applications.

Analyzes from the McKinsey Global Institute predict that approximately 70% of businesses will adopt some form of AI by 2030 Significantly increasing recruitment efficiency. In fact, it’s considered the best way to recruit top talent. AI algorithms can evaluate huge volumes of resumes and once identified, they can send personalized messages to candidates deemed promising in order to manage subsequent phases.

Additionally, clear benefits can be seen in a greater cost reduction, reduction of delays both for viewing CVs and for responding to candidates. Obviously, all this mechanism for judging a candidate fit or unfit could still make some people turn up their noses due to countless prejudices on the subject. Therefore, the final decision should never be entrusted to anything other than the most precious intelligence of all: the human.

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