he received the Amnesty International Italy 2024 prize for the song “La mia terra”

unstoppable Diodate. The Tarentine singer and author, with his poetics, his sensitivity to social issues and his incomparable vocality, continues to have a string of successes.

A few days after winning the David di Donatello inthe “best original song” category, with the song My country, conquest also Amnesty International Italy Prize 2024in the Big section, awarded by a jury composed of journalists, radio and television presenters, intellectuals, representatives of Amnesty International Italy and Voci per la Libertà.

The song, composed for the film LAF building by Michele Riondino, is a tribute to the city of Taranto: moving from the myth to its origins and its history, it tells of a city affected by injustice and the desire of its inhabitants to get back on their feet.

Diodato receives the David di Donatello 2024 handle

Diodato receives the David di Donatello 2024

“It is a great honor to receive this recognition from Amnesty International Italy and I am really happy that it comes with the song La mia terra – said Diodato -. The question of Taranto has often been relegated to a pure problem of work, employment, hiding the The real heart of the problem, that is to say human rights, are especially those which are continually violated in my city.

Environmental catastrophe and violence against living beings are certainly the main starting theme. The beauty that my land continues to show despite everything is a warning to us all for love and justice. I also thank Amnesty for always being alongside Uno Maggio Taranto Libero e Pensante, coming to our stage to give voice to so many human beings who fight every day for their rights.”

“My land is not only a poignant dedication to the city of Taranto, but it is a universal message dedicated to all those who are forced to flee their homeland because of wars, persecutions and disasters. It is a delicate song which, from Taranto, helps us to seek these fundamental rights, such as that of being able to move and live in a safe place, to live a life worth living”, commented Alba Bonetti, president of 'Amnesty International Italy.

There AWARDS CEREMONY by Diodato will be the highlight of the 27th edition of the festival Voci per la Libertà – A song for Amnesty, which will take place in Rovigo from July 19 to 21.

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