The Sustainable Development Festival is back, from May 7 to 23. Discover all events

A calendar full of initiatives and events. The Sustainable Development Festival returns from May 7 to 23, with a program on six main stages in Ivrea, Turin, Bologna, Milan, Palermo and Rome and more than a thousand events promoted by civil society in Italy and the world. Among the new features are the podcast “The elephant in the room – 10 news from the future of Africa” ​​created by Rai Radio, ASviS and Amref Italia, the concerts with Heroes Festival and the campaign “Let's look to the future” which invites to awareness and action.

As in the past, the 2024 edition of the Festival is supported and promoted by Rai as media partner. Starting today, May 3, the Rai, TV and radio networks will broadcast the Festival advertising spot thanks to collaboration with the Information and Publishing Department of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. Radio and television news will follow initiatives and events at national and local level and programming will include sustainability issues. Rai journalists will participate as hosts and guests in various Festival events.

“The commitment of the public service – underlines the director of Rai For Sustainability-ESG, Roberto Natale – on questions of sustainable development responds to the tasks that the new Service Contract assigns to Rai, with the articles dedicated to sustainability and the environmental and digital transition. , but also to young people and inclusion. Requests to which the public service has already begun to respond with the recent approval of the first three-year Sustainable Development Plan, closely linked to the new Industrial Plan. Also this year we see the broadest involvement of all Rai structures and professionals, this will be an important opportunity to give sustainability issues an increasingly popular character and thus reach this large segment of the public which is not yet aware of this issue. Rai can play a decisive role.”

“Rai has been a media partner of the Sustainable Development Festival – says Rai Radio deputy director Laura Rossetto Casel – since its first edition and since 2020 it has hosted the opening press conference at Rai Radio headquarters. A convergence of objectives unites us with the Alliance and the views, thanks to the collaboration that has developed over time, enriched each year with content and initiatives. An example of this is “The Elephant in the Room, 10 News Stories from Africa's Future”, a podcast. ten episodes created by Rai Radio in collaboration with ASviS and Amref Health Africa, now available on RaiPlay Sound. Rai's attention to sustainability is reflected in the numerous awareness campaigns, with the energy efficiency actions launched at the Rai Radio headquarters in via Asiago and with. the editorials of the initiatives, including “M'Illumino di meno”, created by the Caterpillar program twenty years ago and which in 2022 became the “National Day of Energy Savings and Sustainable Lifestyles”.

The different Rai Radio channels will follow the Festival from different angles, exploring sustainability in all its facets. Radio1 with the programs “Radio Anch'io”, “Zapping”, “Sportello Italia”, “Caffè Europa”, “Tra poco en kiosk”, “Eta Beta”, “L'aria che respiri”, “Wannabe”, ” Family format” and “On-Air Podcast”. Radio2 with a special episode of “Caterpillar” on May 16 and with “Caterpillar AM” on the opening day as well as on “Numeri Uni”, “I Lunatici”, “Tutti Nudi”, “Numeri Due”, “Non è un Paese per young people”, “Le Lunatiche”, “Ovunque6”, “La versione delle due”, “Lost Subjects” and “Dreams of Glory”. Radio3, among others, with the program “Il museo dei Futuri” of Radio3 Scienza, created in collaboration with ASviS, Futura Network and the International Council of Museums (ICOM) Italy. Isoradio with the in-depth course on the 2030 Agenda during “Io Chiara e il Green”. Among the specialized digital radios there will be No Name Radio and Radio Live Napoli, notably with the programs “Diretta Live” and “Around Naples” and an in-depth analysis of “Mediterradio”.

For the youngest, Radio Kids will talk about sustainable development with words suitable for children in “Buongiorno di Radio Kids” and “Kids Magazine”.

Furthermore, at the Turin Book Fair, on Thursday May 9, at the Rai stand, the panel “Good practices from RAI – the experience of virtual decor in the production 'Chlorophyll'” organized by Rai for development sustainable-ESG and the Rai will be held Kids, who will talk about the use of technologies to produce an emissions reduction program, with innovative language, through the elimination of physical environments and transportation.

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