He had called Salvini an “idiot”: MEP Da Re, also critical of Vannacci, expelled from the League

MEP Gianantonio Da Re is expelled from the League, after the League's regional governing council in Veneto decided to exclude him for calling federal secretary Matteo Salvini an “idiot”. Last week, Da Re severely attacked the leader of the Northern League in an interview with Repubblica, criticizing the management of the party, especially in view of the European elections: “On June 9, we will witness a disaster foretold – declared the MEP – an internal survey gives the League at 5.5%. The next day, Salvini had to resign. Either the idiot leaves by good means, or we all go to Milan via Bellerio and chase him away by bad means. This is now what we all think, starting with 80 parliamentarians who are just waiting for the figures to evolve. Bringing the congress forward to the spring is of no use at this stage: Salvini has disintegrated us and must take responsibility for it. » Former mayor of Vittorio Veneto and last secretary of what was called the “Liga Veneta”, Da Re has long contested the management of the Salvini League and its turn in sovereignty. In recent weeks, he had also attacked the Secretary of State for the idea of ​​nominating General Roberto Vannacci in the European elections. A figure, according to Da Re, which would have distanced the League from its more traditional positions.

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