Hagal's order, five special surveillance measures for members of the far-right subversive terrorist association

Five special surveillance measures, with an obligation to stay in the municipalities of residence, were pronounced by the court of Naples against as many members of the Order of Hagal, a far-right association which, according to investigators, pursues terrorists and subversives. The investigation into the group, which had its operational base in the Caserta region but operated mainly in the province of Naples, began in 2019 and resulted in 2022 in the preventive detention in prison of all members identified by investigators and arrested during a search. The new measures are 3 years for one of the affiliates and 3 years and six months for the other four. Investigations have established that the Order of Hagal is a neo-Nazi, supremacist and Holocaust denial terrorist association. In the messages exchanged in the chat, the members declared themselves ready for military action with weapons and explosives against a Carabinieri barracks in the province of Naples and also against civilian targets. The group aimed to promote a new world order, inspired by the writings of Nazi leader Goebbels and, according to investigators, some members traveled abroad to train in hand-to-hand combat and the use of weapons .

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