Genoa, Pier Silvio Berlusconi in court: his former butler wants him to pay him overtime

His name is Lucio Camba and he was a butler until a while ago. For an exceptional client: Pier Silvio Berlusconi. He worked for Silvio's son and his partner Silvia Toffanin at Villa Bonomi Biolchini, the castle of Paraggi in the municipality of Santa Margherita. And now he's sued his employer. The subject of the dispute is the work carried out during the confinement due to Covid-19, a period during which tasks increased with families at home. Camba is seeking payment for overtime he says was worked to care for Pier Silvio's family, which includes his two children Lorenzo Mattia and Sofia Valentina.

The cause

Camba is now close to retirement and no longer works for the Berlusconi family. The first hearing of the civil case, he said The imprint, took place yesterday at the Genoa court. The judge is Francesca Maria Parodi. The magistrate adjourned the hearing, urging the parties to reach an agreement. But it is not excluded that another black smoke will arrive. Camba intervened a year ago through lawyer Matteo Caniglia Cogliolo. In the indictment, he claims that he was asked to perform extraordinary services and complains of the inadequacy of his emoluments. Mediation, required by law, was unsuccessful. Lawyers Fabrizio Daverio and Salvatore Florio represent Berlusconi. In the meantime, Pier Silvio's family is about to change their residence. They will move to Villa San Sebastiano in Portofino. 1,300 square meters purchased for 20 million euros in 2022.

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