Alessandro Gassman and left-wing friendship: “The Campo Largo? It's like bruschetta.”

Actor and director Alessandro Gassman, 59, son of Vittorio, believes that the debate on the broad center-left is “a waste of time”. The opposition made him give up: “With what is happening at the national and international level, we would like to do anything but see who should give an alternative to the country which argues every day.” For him, the victory in Sardinia “came because the candidate was considered a capable and respectable person. It's the programs and the people that matter. Faced with this screaming right, we need a left that does not hesitate and is not afraid to declare itself on the left rather than in the center. It needs courage.”

The bruschetta metaphor

Gassman on There are too many roosters in a vast field: “If there is someone who has green ideas and others less so, someone who does not know whether he is left or right, the bruschetta crumbles. Better to go their separate ways with their own ideas.” Gassman says he likes Schlein: “I like that she is young and feminine, but I think she should make more drastic decisions.” Even if Giuseppe Conte “reassured me a lot at the time of Covid, I think he handled such a delicate situation well. But it seems to me that the Five Star Movement changes its mind too often, I never find them completely credible. ” And Carlo Calenda “is a gentleman from the center who does not understand why he wants to go to the left, like the one who eats meat but wants a place in the vegetarian restaurant. But why?”.

Radical chic

The ruling right, according to Gassman, “is doing what I imagined it would do. I recognize a consistency in Giorgia Meloni, for whom I did not vote and for whom I will never vote, unlike Matteo Salvini. It is the right to national pride and the defense of the forces of order.” Then he talks about left-wing friendships: “Perhaps if I had not been lucky enough to have a family behind me who gave me tools of discernment, I would have difficulty understanding who is telling the truth and who is not.” You spoke of a “right to shout”. And he does not present himself as a chic radical: “I may be elegant (laughs) but I am not radical, quite the contrary! I would be a socialist like Pertini. And professionally, I've made choices that people with snotty noses would never make, like popular television.” In the European elections, vote “of course I will go: I have a great sense of duty, I go even when I am not very convinced”.

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