General Vannacci: “But where do you see the patriarchy in Italy? My book is dedicated to my mother”

General Roberto Vannacci admits today in an interview with Corriere della Sera. In the interview with Aldo Cazzullo, he states that he considers the accusation of inciting racial hatred to be “totally unfounded”. My book is an ode to diversity. But touting diversity is very different from discrimination. Diversity consists of recognizing different characteristics in each of us: culture, origins, ethnicity, religion, political beliefs. Discrimination is about rights and dignity; and in my books there is no trace of this execrable ideological position. » However, he will not withdraw the complaint against Pier Luigi Bersani: “I am not a vindictive person. I waited the legal deadline of 90 days before filing a complaint; but during all this time, from the honorable Bersani, not a word to reflect on the insults he addressed to me. I didn't expect apologies or ashes to be sprinkled on the head: a simple phone call between men would have sufficed; not to mention how happy I would have been with a sincere handshake. Unfortunately, it didn't turn out that way. Obviously we have different reference values. »

Netflix and series with gays

He says he disagrees that gays and lesbians are born: “They never found the genome for homosexuality; and social conditioning is important. I find the massive denunciation of homosexual role models towards children inappropriate. I looked it up online: according to the British Statistical Institute, non-heterosexuals make up about 3.4% of the population. Do you think the percentage is respected on television? Why don't they approve a series on Netflix if there are no homosexual scenes?” He does not want to talk about the three investigations into his presence in Moscow and claims to have no link with his minister Guido Crosetto , whom he respects. He adds that Putin is “an autocrat, who had the merit of bringing his country back to the rank of great power, and who made the mistakes that autocrats make. This is why I cannot 'to estimate.”


He says he has not yet decided whether or not he will participate in the League and has also received other offers. Between Trump and Biden, he would vote for Trump. And he confirms that according to him Benito Mussolini was a statesman: “They asked me a question point blank; anything I said would be used against me. If I praise Mussolini, I am a fascist. If I don't congratulate him, I hide my ideas…”. While fascism “ended eighty years ago. It would be like saying that you are against ancient Rome or against the Renaissance.” Finally , patriarchy: “But where do you see it in Italy? Maybe it's because I come from a matriarchal family: my mother always made the important decisions. I miss her a lot: the book is dedicated to her. “

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