Former Sardina Jasmine Cristallo rejoices for the Democratic Party of Abruzzo, targeting the M5 in free fall: “He has lost populism”

“The tide has indeed turned,” wrote with exaltation the faithful of Elly Schlein and former Sardina Jasmine Cristallo despite the defeat of the center-left in Abruzzo. And a first change seems to be the tenor of relations with the M5, whose results in Abruzzo would mark a free fall. This is what Cristallo herself emphasizes, who as a member of the PD secretariat shows optimism and looks at the glass half full, at least for her part, less for the Campo Largo still to be cultivated, like us invites Romano Prodi again. . But to the detriment of others, including allies or presumed allies. On social networks, the former Sardina exults: “The Democratic Party wins consensus in 2019 and 2022 and is the first party in the coalition and it has not obtained 20% for years.” According to Cristallo, these results would be the result of the “Schlein cure” which “works and testifies to the credibility of the leadership of the secretary who led a very generous outreach campaign”, in addition to having “reestablished sentimental links”. , whatever that means.

The data of the “defeated”

In the end, Marco Marsilio and the center-right coalition remain in the presidency of the Abruzzo Region. But among the real losers, there would not be the Democratic Party according to Cristallo, but rather all the others. Starting with the Movement of Giuseppe Conte, skewered by Cristallo with the crudeness of the figures: “The Movement loses 65% of its votes compared to 2022 and 2019”. It is only then that the center-right parties are mentioned: “The League loses 75% compared to the previous regional elections and a sixth compared to the political elections. Fratelli d'Italia doubles 2019 consensus, but loses to politicians.

“Populism is losing”

The analysis of the immediate vote provides only one sentence of conviction for Cristallo, who does not seem to spare the Five Star Movement: “These data tell us that populism is losing, sovereignism too, and the politics which is governance of complexity triumphs”. The wind therefore seems to have really changed, at least on Campo Largo, which is increasingly undermined.

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