Fines of 60 and 75 thousand euros to two influencers for advertising games of chance

L'Communications Guarantee Authority (Agcom) has adopted two sanctions against influencers and YouTube channel owners, who broadcast videos to promote games and betting with cash winnings, in violation of the prohibition on this matter provided for by the Dignity Decree.

The fines amount to 60 thousand and 75 thousand euros.respectively, for 'Panpeg srls' and 'GSR di Ricci Andrea &C. snc' as well as the obligation not to upload new content identical or equivalent to that already identified on the video sharing platform and to remove any content that violates the ban that is still available.

The proceedings were initiated following numerous reports received between 2022 and 2023, alleging violations of the ban on advertising for cash games by content creators through the distribution of videos promoting games and betting on various video-sharing platforms, such as TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, X and Twitch.

Based on the information transmitted by the same platforms, the Broadcasting and Publishing Group of the Guardia di Finanza of the Special Unit for Goods and Services has acquired all the elements that have allowed the opening of proceedings against the perpetrators of the offences in accordance with the provisions contained in the “dignity” decree. The sanctioning procedures initiated against the platforms – concludes Agcom – have already concluded with the adoption of the final measures.

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