From today until Sunday it will be approximately 20 thousand scout leaders coming from all of Italy who will find himself at maxi-gathering in Verona. The meeting takes place at Fiftieth year of the founding of AgesciAssociation of Italian Catholic Guides and Scouts.
Today, scouts around the world are more than forty million: a movement born in 1907 from an idea of the English lieutenant general Robert Baden Powell. The Scout educational method, based on volunteering, adapts to the growth of young people while respecting their needs, following the needs of the three reference age groups: small and smallfrom 8 to 12 years old; explorers and explorersfrom 13 to 16 years old; vagabondaged 16 to 19.
The Company is engaged in service activities based oncivil engagementTHE solidarity, the environmentthe discovery and promotion of different cultures with a view to evolving and stimulating programs. Exploration and adventurewhile remaining intimately linked to the natural environment, also become moments of encounter with social realities. Scouts can tackle camps abroad and deep and meaningful service experiences in the Italian and European territory.
Mattarella: “Our society owes a lot to the scout movement”
On the occasion of the Verona gathering, the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, stressed that “Our society owes a lot to the movement, for the constant educational commitment towards young people and the very young, for the experience of solidarity, for the experience of freedom of which it is the expression, for the sensitivity shown and led to grow towards Mother Earth”.
In the message of the Head of State, addressed to the Presidents of the National Committee of the Association of Italian Catholic Guides and Scouts, Roberta Vincini and Francesco Scoppola, it is also reaffirmed that the scouts have “offered a significant contribution to the essential values of the national community gathered in our Constitution, starting with those of participation and cohesion: they deserve a commitment in this time of change”.
Highlighting the “renewed protagonism of young people”, Sergio Mattarella also recalls the theme chosen for the meeting, “Generations of happiness”, “to propose a vision that can overcome mistrust, combat indifference, link even more personal growth to friendship, to peace, to the future of the community”.