File, Melillo defends the SOS office: “Disturbed controversy, no anti-mafia image”

The national anti-mafia prosecutor, Giovanni Melillo, is not holding back. After the explosion of the file of thousands of questions from the anti-money laundering and SOS archives by a financier working at DNA, Pasquale Striano, this afternoon of March 6, asked to appear before the anti-mafia commission to give explanations on the functioning of the SOS office, Reporting of suspicious information, at the National Antimafia Prosecutor's Office: “I asked to be heard so that the facts and problems are understood and to avoid the danger of disinformation, speculation and readings instrumental in events that concern delicate state functions. Not to mention the points of disorganized controversy which seem intended not to analyze reality and contribute to its understanding and to the advancement of the balance of the system but to harm the image of the function and to delegitimize the idea of 'neutral institutions like the National Anti-Mafia Prosecutor's Office and perhaps even the Bank of Italy.

Melillo also claims that the SOS, Suspicious Transaction Reports, that reach DNA represent only a small part of the total: “In our database, far from being an omnivorous monster, only a small percentage of transaction reports suspicious generated comes from the financial sector. system: from 2018 to 2024 between 8 and 16% of all SOS generated by the financial system through the UIF (coming from the Bank of Italy) and Dia”. This does not change the fact that the seriousness of the situation that erupted during the Perugia investigation is “extreme”, Melillo said, emphasizing however that since his arrival at DNA he has reformed the SOS office, changing the approach which rather wanted there to be a single magistrate and a few soldiers to work there. But currently, the SOS office has several magistrates who supervise it and above all imposes a periodic rotation of judicial police officers.

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