Two Russian polling stations were targeted, one in Moscow and one in St. Petersburg. A woman set fire to a voting booth in Moscow. According to initial information, the incident occurred at one of the polling stations in the southeast administrative district. The woman faces a sentence of 3 to 5 years. This was reported by the Russian channel Telegram Baza. Judging by the video, the woman doused the premises with a flammable liquid, set it on fire and immediately began filming everything with her phone. In several Russian cities, however, some sabotage has been recorded, such as pouring green ink into ballot boxes. These types of actions lead to detention for violation of Article 141 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (obstruction of the exercise of electoral rights or the work of election commissions). With a risk of a sentence of 3 to 5 years. Also in St. Petersburg, another woman threw a Molotov cocktail at a polling station. Shortly after, she was arrested.
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